Indigenous Land Acknowledgement
How to use this Indigenous Land Acknowledgement
- Why a land acknowledgement? Please read the Honor Native Land Guide. In the guide, step #3 (page 8 of the guide) is important for understanding the “why” of a land acknowledgement.
- How to pronounce Indigenous names in the acknowledgement: Please practice the names of the Indigenous people mentioned in acknowledgement before reading it: Miccosukee—Mick-uh-SOO-kee, also spelled Mikasuki, Tequesta—tuh-KES-tuh, Seminole—SEH-minn-ole, Calusa—kah-LOO-sah
- When introducing the land acknowledgement, consider starting with: "Let us please take a moment to acknowledge that [we are on] / [this event takes place on] Indigenous lands."
Land Acknowledgement for presentations/lectures: “The territory that we now know as South Florida has been the traditional homelands of the Native nations including the Tequesta, the Calusa, and today the sovereign homelands of the Seminole and Miccosukee.”
Land Acknowledgement for additional discussion and more context:
"We acknowledge that our university is located on the ancestral homelands of sovereign Native nations, including the Tequesta, the Calusa, and today, the Seminole Tribe of Florida, and the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida. We pay our respects to the traditional custodians, the Elders past and present, by fully recognizing Indigenous sovereignty as well as the historical and contemporary relationship between Indigenous peoples and their traditional homelands. It is within our responsibility as an academic institution to uphold knowledge about the history of our institution with the original stewards of this land that we live, learn, and work on. We encourage our University community to read and learn about ways to support our local Indigenous communities in their efforts to preserve Seminole and Miccosukee land and water rights, cultural practices, and the conservation of the environment.
Consistent with our University's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, FIU is working towards creating an academic environment that is inclusive of Indigenous students, faculty, and staff who have often been rendered invisible due to structural discriminatory practices. At FIU, we hold ourselves accountable to serving local, regional and worldwide Indigenous communities through academic policy-oriented research, education, partnerships, community service, as well as enrollment initiatives to overcome the effects of Indigenous exclusion and erasure in our own academic institution. It is our hope that acknowledging the land helps us to better understand that harm has been done and address the legacies of violence in our communities in order to create a pathway to true healing."
Alternative Perspectives on Land Acknowledgements
Not all land acknowledgments are the same. And there is some danger with adopting land acknowledgements without further reflection and engaging in action-oriented points. Below are some important perspectives to consider. Please decide how to use land acknowledgements WITH true allyship with our Indigenous communities.