To download a copy of the GIF bylaws:
July 14, 2015 global-indigenous-forum-bylaws-draft-07-14-15.pdf
April 24, 2017 global-indigenous-forum-bylaws-april-24-2017.pdf
Dr. Mitzi Uehara Carter, Ph.D.
Assistant Teaching Professor of Anthropology and Asian Studies
Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies SIPA 307
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199
Office phone: 305-348-2258
Secretary: 305-348-2247
Email: mcarter@fiu.edu
For current information about the Global Indigenous Forum (GIF) and the FIU Indigenous student club, Global Indigenous Group (GIG) join our Mailing List! or visit our more up-to-date Instagram page
To download a copy of the GIF bylaws:
July 14, 2015 global-indigenous-forum-bylaws-draft-07-14-15.pdf
April 24, 2017 global-indigenous-forum-bylaws-april-24-2017.pdf