Secession as Settler Violence: Seminole Resistance in Florida and the Sectional Crisis of the 1850s.

Event information

"Secession as Settler Violence: Seminole Resistance in Florida and the Sectional Crisis of the 1850s." Dr. Christine Rizzi. Assistant Professor. History and Political Science. Broward College.

Virtual Zoom Meeting Date/Time: September 8, 2020 at 5:00PM EST.

The Allen Morris Forum on the Native South invites interested parties to join a collegial exhibition of new research on Native Americans in the American South virtually via Zoom. The September 2020 meeting welcomes the work of Dr. Christine Rizzi from Broward College.

The event is free but requires an RSVP to access the Zoom room and receive the pre-circulated paper. Please RSVP to Dr. Andrew K. Frank at for Zoom link and a copy of the pre-circulated paper.

Sponsored by Florida State University Department of History.