Native American Religions

| REL 3380 | Spring 2015 | ONLINE | MaryLou Pfeiffer | More information |

Course Overview

This 3-credit fully online Religious Studies course offers an overview of American Indian indigenous groups regionally throughout North America. Aspects center on several complex issues surrounding the cultural richness of indigenous groups: the belief that land is sacred with a reflection on “Indianness” in relationship to the land and the sacred circle, rituals and practices of indigenous peoples in North America, habitation (prior to and after colonization by Europeans), US laws (Federal and state) that have affected these indigenous groups, UN DRIP- Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and South Florida indigenous peoples, ancient to present day.


MaryLou Pfeiffer
Office: Modesto A. Maidique Campus, DM 233
Phone: 305-348-4100